
Monday, July 6, 2009

Wealth Building 101: 3 Steps to Creating Wealth in a Changing Economy

FREE WEBINAR: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT

Are you ready to start building and creating the wealth you want and deserve - wealth that will last you a LIFETIME?!

Yes, is the right answer! Join Loral for this beginner's guide to creating wealth. She'll teach you the 3 easy and essential steps EVERY entrepreneur should take to begin creating sustainable wealth.

You'll learn how to create an entrepreneurial mind set, understand the difference between good debt and bad debt, and not only how to start making more money TODAY but also how you CAN make your money work for you.

Use the following link to register now!
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1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting and informative webinar. For anyone that missed it, the three steps to creating wealth that Loral mentioned were:
    1. Understanding the thought processes of an entrepreneur and finding the entrepreneurial spirit in you. Entrepreneurs; see opportunities others don't; they know how to leverage time, money and resources; they get things done; and they do the right things at the right time. Entrepreneurial skills are often in direct conflict with "employee" skills taught school and university, so to overcome this, Loral suggested spending as much time as possible being around other entrepreneurs and engaging in the right conversations.
    2. Understanding debt. Know the difference between good and bad debt, and don't be afraid of debt - use it to your advantage. And understand your own spending patterns.
    3. Understand how you spend your money as it comes in and how to use this income to create further opportunites for income. Know what your areas of experstise are and where are your best opportunities going to be found. Stay continually updated with the latest information.
